With Electricity price becoming higher, more important than ever to focus on saving energy as much as possible. But this is not the only reason, saving electricity will be good for the environment as well, so basically we are killing two birds with one stone. While most tips will b about buying or purchasing new products, these tips below won’t need you to fork out any additional money.

Tip no 1 – Hang dry your cloths.

With the advancement of technology, we can always machine dry them and it will be ready to wear within 30 minutes to an hour. But in case you are not in rush, why not just hang dry them naturally. This way alone, you might be able to save at-least 10-20% of your bill final amount.

Also, while we are talking about washing cloth, i believe a lot of reader out there like to wash their cloth as frequent as possible. It is advisable to wait until full load then only wash them. If you only have one or two piece that needed to be wash urgently, why not try hand wash once in a while 😀

Tip no 2 – Cook most of your food together and in 1 go.

When it comes to cooking, we can always opt to cook lunch and dinner together. This will not only save up the electricity, but also give you more freedom of time. Another tip is that you can easily search for simple recipe where there are multiple veges in a dish. Simple, easy, healthy and face your bill !

Tip no 3 – Clean up your electrical Appliances more often.

Do you know that dust actually play a big role in making your gadget or electrical appliances works harder? This in return will make your electricity bill goes sky high. For example, take out the air cond filter once in a while and clean them and dust up the computer CPU casing.


The most annoying habit that i myself actually encountered is that a lot of people never turn off their charging port, or most of the electrical item when not using the, Just putting them to sleep. Where do you think those ( off blinking light is coming from if it’s not sucking on the electricity? )

Also if you are not using any light, lamp at certain area, just turn them off. No reason to keep a bedroom light on when you are not even in there right?

Tip no 5 – Close your curtain during the day.

Keep the heat out of your house by simply closing the curtain. The thing is, heat can be absorbed by sofas, mattress and even carpet. All this heat will come back out during the night. In Malaysia weather, the heat can be unbearable if you live in are with less tree.

Tip no 6 – Use ceiling Fan more often.

While me might have the urge to open AC most of the time, let us use more ceiling fan. Even a table fan can be quite cool. Also during the rainy season, there is just no reason to use Ac and turn them up to 16 degree right?

Tip no 7 – Turn down the water heater temperature. You don’t need your skin to be medium rare you know. Showering is not cooking !

I myself prefer to shower using natural temperature water without the heating, but if you really need to use the heater, turn them to a lower degree. Just a simple tweak of the button can save you up some electricity usage.

Tip no 8 – Stop the Fridge Run – Keep closing and Opening your refrigerator door?

There are some food that doesn’t need to be refrigerated. Also you can take different dishes, item out together at the same time without keep closing and opening the fridge door as every time you open them up, the cycle of cooling system will work harder thus the increase in your electricity bill amount.

Now that we covered up Most of the basic and easy tips without spending, lets go to what can we change in order to minimize the consumption.

Take the opportunity of technology advancement, and change some of them into solar powered. This will cost some initially but in the long run, There are many gadget out there that can fully function with just using solar power. For example is water pump. You also can opt to put up a solar panel to powered up your entire house.

Get an energy efficient AC. Most major brand out there have special line that carry there feature. For Example the Daikin Smarto Series.

Use LED lamp instead. LED is the better and cost saving options. Even though this simple cheap technology has been out for long time, many house owner is still using the traditional light. You can easily find a good replacement for less than RM30 in online shopping such as Lazada or Shopee.

Well, this covered up our saving electricity topic of the day, and hopefully this simple guide will make your bill go down a little bit. Also lets be apart of saving the world from wastage of energy shall we?

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